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Total number of access102215526,884
Win 7
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
1 - 0.5%1 - 0.5%
221,048 - 42.0%221,048 - 42.0%
Win 10
98 - 96.1%98 - 96.1%
214 - 99.5%214 - 99.5%
146,843 - 27.9%146,843 - 27.9%
Win XP
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
64,808 - 12.3%64,808 - 12.3%
Win 8
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
25,061 - 4.8%25,061 - 4.8%
Win NT
4 - 3.9%4 - 3.9%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
21,765 - 4.1%21,765 - 4.1%
Win 8.1
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
20,356 - 3.9%20,356 - 3.9%
Win Vista
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
16,124 - 3.1%16,124 - 3.1%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
0 - 0.0%0 - 0.0%
10,879 - 2.1%10,879 - 2.1%
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phpTrafficA 2.3 © 2004-2009, ZoneO-soft -- 0.02 sec