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Visits from within website77,499 (63 %)
Other visits23,533 (19 %)
Busy day: October 18, 2016 (2,968 pageviews)
Quiet day: March 01, 2014 (1 pageview)
Access to /tng/verticalchart.php
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Google: 2,460 hitshttps://www.​google.​no/4,205 hits
Google: olga nordmann mã...9 hitshttps://www.​google.​com/511 hits
Google: cache:br2zhv2kxlgj:www...9 hitshttps://www.​google.​no299 hits
Google: konrad heen johansen 8 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/showmap.​p...227 hits
Bing: else margrethe ellings&a...8 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/whatsnew.​...197 hits
Google: slekten til johan borg...6 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/search.​ph...100 hits
Google: anders larsen wigdahl 6 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/search.​ph...98 hits
Bing: maren brose larsdatter 5 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/search.​ph...98 hits
Bing: hans mortensen nobel 4 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/search.​ph...98 hits
Google: arve kristian johannes...3 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/search.​ph...97 hits
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/tng/descend.php4.7 %/tng/verticalchart.php3.9 %
/tng/familygroup.php1.9 %/tng/familychart.php2.1 %
/tng/relateform.php1.2 %/tng/familygroup.php2.1 %
/tng/index.php0.8 %/tng/relateform.php1.8 %
/tng/familychart.php0.7 %/tng/ahnentafel.php1.6 %
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