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Quiet day: May 04, 2016 (127 pageviews)
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Google: lars peder jã&c...124 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/firstname...19,968 hits
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Google: bryggevik dã&ce...42 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/whatsnew.​...2,640 hits frode holthe 39 hitshttps://www.​bing.​com/1,633 hits
Google: lars peder jã&c...36 hitshttps://www.​google.​se/1,563 hits
Google: jã¸rgen g...31 hitshttp://slekt.​net/tng/searchfor...1,440 hits
Google: jã¸rgen g...30 hitshttp://www.​google.​com/1,432 hits
Google: emma anetta sahl peder...26 hitshttp://www.​google.​no/1,319 hits
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